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January 2025 Bite Size Book Reviews

Books are small universes—affordable and easily carried, yet filled with endless possibilities to expand and enrich the mind. Through their pages, I explore new experiences and worlds, meet unforgettable characters,

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Who is Ish Mom?

Hi! I’m Megan.

I’m a writer, community builder, and alchemist.

I live in Richmond Indiana with my stupidly amazing husband and our three boys, Big, Little A, and soon-to-be A. The oldest was diagnosed with autism around age two.

Poke around and find out more. I always aim to tell it to you straight while keeping you in stitches.

What is Ish Mom?

I’ve got layers. And Ish Mom represents them all. I write about parenting, makeup, books, autism, social psychology, local businesses and happenings, nutrition, people of interest, and more.

Why Ish Mom? It’s my tongue-in-cheek reclamation of a frequently thrown around insult in Sanctimommy groups—Shit Mom. We’re all “shit” at something-fix or embrace it, but don’t worry about it.

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ish mom megan

Let Me Help You Tell Your Story

You’re busy running your empire so let me do the writing.

I create stunning content that connects you with current and future customers.

I can’t wait to help tell your story in a unique way.